Paragon 'proud' to be linked to Beacon

Paragon 'proud' to be linked to Beacon

Business and customer communications specialists, Paragon Group, have highlighted just how much it means to them to be connected to the Beacon of Light.

Foundation of Light announced on Tuesday that a new partnership had emerged between the official charity of Sunderland AFC and Paragon.

The Sunderland-based company help their clients to transform the way they connect with their customers – providing their clients’ businesses with technology-driven solutions that drive real change and deliver competitive advantage.

As well as now being a partner of the Foundation, Paragon have tapped into the Beacon of Light’s popularity in recent months, firstly securing one of our Shirt Tiles – a display that is inspired by former Sunderland retro shirt designs.

The tiles – which are displayed prominently in the main foyer of the building – proudly sport the logo of business sponsors and can be purchased for £1,000, with the proceeds supporting the ultimate community hub.

Not only is this great awareness for Paragon and other businesses alike throughout the region, the ever-popular Shirt Tiles are also a great way to support the local community – allowing the Foundation of Light to continue to help our communities to live happier and healthier lives.

More recently, Paragon have secured pitch sponsorship for one of the Beacon’s five-a-side 3G pitches. Embracing the heavy footfall at the Beacon for a second time, this will enhance Paragon’s brand visibility even further, with our outdoor football pitches seen by thousands of people every week. This latest development further signifies Paragon’s commitment to both supporting the Foundation and supporting the local community.

Regular coverage on our social media channels also ensures reaching a broad audience and proximity to the Stadium of Light allows for your brand to be seen by spectators attending games during the season.

Speaking after partnering up with the Foundation of Light, Roger Turvey, Operations Director at Paragon Group, said: “There’s loads of different activity happening within the building and it’s just amazing what you’re doing here at the Beacon of Light. I’m really proud that Paragon is involved with this enterprise and I’m really looking forward to continuing that strong partnership.

“I am very confident that the different forms of investment we put into such a brilliant local Foundation is being maximised for the people that live around here. As well as being a donor, we will also be encouraging our teams to use this amazing service as I do believe in this unique local facility for some of those in my own sites.”

Our Game of II Halves programme – a programme which aims to raise awareness around mental health issues and suicide prevention has already benefited greatly through the partnership.

The aim is to recruit ambassadors to share messages throughout workplaces and local organisations across the region to promote good mental health and suicide prevention messages. Despite the partnership being in its early exchanges, Foundation staff were invited along to Paragon as part of the latter’s roadshow – an event which showcased the Game of II Halves programme and spread awareness of suicide prevention and mental health to Paragon employees.

As part of the visit, Foundation of Light staff hosted a stand within the staff canteen to hand out resources and have conversations with staff to show why having conversations about mental health is important and how we can beat the stigma.

The Game of II Halves project was also circulated to Paragon employees via there ‘The Mental Health Matters’ newsletter to create further awareness.

Moving forward, Paragon are determined to upskill even more staff in being able to help recognise when employees need support and signposting to services that can further support.

Jamie Wright, Managing Director at the Foundation of Light added: “We are delighted to join forces with Paragon and they’ve already gone above and beyond, both supporting our work and the people we work with. I’m looking forward to further strengthening that relationship in the coming months.”