Baroness Estelle Morris impressed by Beacon after Foundation's schools conference

Baroness Estelle Morris impressed by Beacon after Foundation's schools conference

The Beacon of Light hosted Foundation of Light’s schools conference which provided senior leadership teams of schools in the region an insight into the charity’s education provision.

Baroness Estelle Morris of Yardley, a trustee of Sunderland AFC’s official charity, took part in the conference and called the Beacon ‘a fantastic building’ adding that ‘what happens here is absolutely key.’

Following breakfast at Yard Nine, guests – made up mostly of head teachers at local schools – learned more about the Foundation’s offering through presentations, videos, and a panel discussion.

Guests were then given a tour of the Beacon of Light’s facilities including the World of Work Zones to find out more about how they could use the building.

Morris, who served in parliament as Secretary of State for Education and Skills after a career as a teacher prior to becoming an MP, praised the Beacon’s ability to engage students who may struggle in traditional classroom settings.

“It’s such a fantastic building, you feel as though you’re inviting people to a really, really nice place. It really does make a difference.

“I’m an ex-teacher and I know how difficult it is to get children who aren’t motivated to come into school. I just think that you have got a head start here in that both children and parents are much more willing to come into school.

“I think Lesley [Spuhler] was saying this today, that it’s been open for six years and still in incredibly good condition.

“Considering the number of people use it and the youngsters running around and scuffling and jostling with each other, it still looks like a brand-new building.

"I think you care for a building that you like, and a lot of care goes into this building. It doesn’t look old and it doesn’t look worn or tired.

“For people coming in, it gives a message of the importance we give to learning, it’s really crucial.

“We’ll have to build three more stories I think.”

“It was good to see the professionalism of the Foundation in terms of their presentation,” the Baroness added on the importance of the Foundation of Light’s education provision.

“But also, from where I was sitting or standing, I could see the reaction on the teachers’ faces, and it was very positive.

“It’s really good because as a trustee I tend to come to meetings and there’s a danger you don’t see the activities.

“I come to committee and trustee meetings, and we talk about things, but to have the chance to talk to teachers and those delivering the courses is really important.”